A lot of tinkering with my blog lately! With and without help from Em I learned how to add gadgets to the sidebars and how to edit them, or delete.... Since the first tinkering there are now a logo, a slideshow, more tabs and some quotes. Here and there I changed the layout, the text and the color a little bit. I've also adjusted the step-out for Orbs-la-Dee. The first steps are more clear now!
The "Who's that girl?" page is ready and I started uploading my mandalas to the "Miraculous mandalas" page. Another 40 or so to go....
Besides all this I created an account on Flickr to upload my zentangles and ZIA's. Only the first page of the photostream is in the slideshow in the left sidebar. Please follow the link if you like to see the rest of it. Flickr will open in this window.
I must admit, thinking and writing in English takes a lot more time than I had foreseen. Thank you very much, Interglot - translation dictionary! The google translator is also frequently consulted, but often acts like a joker when I enter a sentence or a phrase, LOL. And I'm most grateful Em protected me from some enormous bloopers!
Incredible: since the beginning of this blog on January 31 there were no less than 733 visitors (about
11:00 PM tonight).... I really appreciate that you dropped by too!
Wat een mooie mandala's, mooi kleurgebruik!